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Battle won- Flag to Fly!

City to mark anniversary of historic Battle of Wodensfield

Wolverhampton is to mark the anniversary of a major battle which took place between the Anglo Saxons and the Danes which took place more than 1,000 years ago,

The Battle of Wodensfield saw the Anglo Saxons and their allies defeated the Danes of Northumberland on the field of Woden, now modern-day Wednesfield, on 4 and 5 August in the year 910.

And to mark the anniversary of the battle, the Wolverhampton flag will be raised outside the Civic Centre on Monday and Tuesday (5 and 6 August, 2013).

Wednesfield Councillor Phil Bateman, who has led the calls for the historic battle to be commemorated, said: "This was one of the greatest battles in British history, and we should be very proud of the part that Wednesfield had to play.

“The first written references to Wednesfield come in the Anglo Saxon chronicles where there is reference to a great battle at Wednesfield in which the Mercians and their allies inflicted a defeat on the Danes which lead to the effective end of their power.

"I am delighted that we will be commemorating this hugely important event in our nation's history."

Author: Phil Bateman

Article Date: 2nd August 2013