
May 3rd 2024

Keep Wednesfield Together in Wolverhampton!

'Keep Wednesfield Together and remain part of Wolverhampton' Campaign - Friday 16 November

Together with Emma Reynolds MP , I will be holding a street stall in a @KEEP WEDNESFIELD TOGETHER CAMPAIGN' in Wednesfield High Street on the morning of Friday 16 November from 10am to oppose the latest proposals from the Boundary Commission to move Wednesfield North and South into a newly created constituency of Walsall West.

Both Emma Reynolds MP and I have received a lot of objections to these proposals as people, like me, believe that Wednesfield is more than the wards of Wednesfield North and South and that Wednesfield stretches into parts of Heath Town and Fallings Park.

You can show your support to 'Keep Wednesfield part of Wolverhampton’ by turning up to support us on Friday morning. We will be outside the post office from 10am encouraging people to sign our petition.
I firmly believe that Wednesfields residents just do not want to be propelled by the Boundary Commission into Walsall West where we have no links what so ever!

Author: Phil Bateman

Article Date: 13th November 2012