
May 5th 2024

12,000 wait for housing in Wolverhampton

I had a briefing meeting yesterday with a senior Wolverhampton Homes official who was very patient and took me through WH policy with regard to housing in the City.
Even in the few short days that I have been elected I have seen 15 individuals who have requested help with their housing need. It is by far and away the biggest issue in the City according to my recent experience. The pressure is certainly on WH and the official informed me that a whopping 12,000 people were on the waiting list! To put it in perspective that is by and large the population of the town of Bridgnorth! With respect to the other issues that I have been approached with the next largest issue is highways and transport issues. The message I have therefore is that we need some new homes in this city that will cater for social housing. It is good to note that the City Council is considering building new Council Homes. But the reality is that there is still going to be a huge amount of demand that is simply just not going to be met in the short term!


Article Date: 2nd June 2012