
May 5th 2024

Labour Wants Public Toilet's at Bentley Bridge!

On Friday 25th May, Wednesfield Labour Party debated the call made by a resident, for a toilet block to be built for customers using the growing Bentley Bridge shopping centre in Wednesfield.

All the Wednesfield Councillors who were attending the joint meeting of Wednesfield North & South Labour Parties agreed that the request was indeed a valid one. The pressure for the development came following contact made by a constituent in Wednesfield North to Councillor Phil Bateman.

Councillor Phil Bateman Joint Secretary of the Wednesfield Labour Party’s said that he had already contacted the Local Authority and had requested that City Officials prepare additional information that will be required to fight for this development.

Bentley Bridge shopping centre is becoming even more popular with shoppers both in Wednesfield and beyond the City boundaries. Councillor Paula Brookfield reminded members in the debate “that this was a private development and it was not just another requirement for the City Council and the Counciltax payers of the City to fund.”

All four Labour Councillors (Councillor’s Phil Bateman, Paula Brookfield, Rita Potter and Pinder Gakhal) felt that there should now be “be a formal requirement for the owners of the shopping centre to consider the construction of a public toilet provision on site for the use of their current customers, and any new ones that may be considering the otherwise fine shopping experience that is available on the development.”

The Joint Party agreed this resolution and they agreed to receive further reports on this subject after the Planning Officials have had the chance to respond.

Author: Councillor Phil Bateman

Article Date: 27th May 2012