
May 5th 2024

A New Mayor for Wolverhampton!

Last night the City Council met and chose Councillor Christine Mills as its new Mayor for the year, with the Deputy Mayor being Mulkinder Jaspal. This is the second time that Councillor Mills has been elected Mayor.
The City Council also elected Councillor Roger Lawrence (Labour) as the Leader of the Council for a four year period. The evening went off without drama and therefore the City Council is now off and running!

I used the opportunity to do some ‘networking’ with the guests that were present. I have been Chair of the Wolverhampton Business Champions Group for around 6 years. I spoke with Mike Priddy the new President of Wolverhampton Chamber of Commerce and a Business Champions member about the future direction of the Group. Chatted with the Chief Executive of the City Council, and had a conversation with Stuart Towe the Chairman of the Black Country Local Enterprise Partnership and the new High Sheriff of the West Midlands.

I also had a quick word with Hazel Keirle the Conservative that I defeated on the 3rd May.

I think that this conversation should stay out of the public arena, other than to say it was friendly and short! I told Hazel at a function that Wednesfield Aces had organised earlier in the year, that the campaign I was planning would feature my record, this was in answer to a question she had posed which was “ I hope you will keep the election fight clean”.

It goes without saying that was the case.

I have had a stream of cases since Election Day which I am progressing. I do not expect it to diminish yet. Already a pattern is emerging in that Homes and Housing are the number 1 request from constituents.

I have also noticed in the responses that I am receiving from the arms-length Wolverhampton Homes, a difference in the way that they respond to Councillors requests. It’s perhaps too early to draw firm conclusions but the feeling I am getting is that Councillors appear to be an impediment to them, rather than part of the democratic system. However it is too early for me to make those pronouncements!

Author: Phil Bateman

Article Date: 17th May 2012