
May 5th 2024

City Council Meets Today- New Mayor to be installed!

Today - We have the Annual General Meeting of the City Council. It is the installation of the new Mayor and the new City Council. Wolverhampton will today have Mayor Christine Mills installed for this new Municipal Year.
Therefore there will be a lot of 'pomp and ceremony' and why not as the ceremony links the history of Wolverhampton with the current day. Also the new Councillors elected on the 3rd May will sit for the first time as City Councillors. I am looking forward to the ceremony as it will bring back memories of 2005/6!

What I would like to do is to thank the retiring Mayor Councillor Bert Turner who has been high profile, very succesful Mayor of the City. I believe Councillor Turner has broken the recent record for raising charity donations. He has also been very popular with the Citizens of the City. He has in one word been 'brilliant' for the image of the City. I hope that the Council today very much recognise that role he and his Mayoress Kath has performed with panache.
Leading up to today, it has all been about 'signing into' the City Council. Making declarations, detailing your register of interests, being given notice of the committees that you are to be seated on. Already I have received armful's of rules and regulations and briefings on what I am expected to do, and what I cannot do! Also of course the case work that comes following election.
Yesterday I gave an interview to the former Wolf Radio, the radio station has a new name now - I always struggle to remember it! I am posting letters later today with the first response received to case work that has been acted upon.
I will be using this web site daily to report on events and actions, why not remember to take a look and keep upto date with Wednesfield North News and other issues that effect the City of Wolverhampton.


Article Date: 16th May 2012