
May 19th 2024

Reason's to Vote for Phil Bateman Labour on 3rd May!

We start the last four days of the election with an appeal for Labour supporters to turn out in great numbers on Thursday and Vote for Labour! We need to give this Conservative Liberal Democrat Coalition Government the news that their policy attack on the least well off, and their support for the rich, is just not on in the Britain and Wolverhampton of today!
You should be voting Labour in Wednesfield North & Wolverhampton on Thursday 3rd May, because it is this Labour Party that believes in this City.

Labour wants to make major investments in the City; the Party wants to improve youth services and facilities. Labour is wed to the continued Building Schools for the Future plan. With special emphasis developing around where new Primary places are needed.

On jobs there is a need to create new apprenticeships and it is the current Labour leadership of the City that is now working so hard to welcome the Jaguar Land Rover investment that holds so much future prosperity for our City.

On my own thoughts I want you to vote Phil Bateman Labour because you know that I will fight for Wednesfield, that I have a track record of achievement for the community I live in. That I want to see better housing, better schools and better leisure facilities. Not only do I want to see these policies develop - I want to ensure that they are!

I want to see improved public transport for my community; I want to see the current very good transport services for the City developed even further. I want to see the tram extended and I know that for this to happen it will need championing again!

If I am elected on Thursday I am going to take the opportunity of using my elected office in speaking out for further Metro development in Wolverhampton. I want others to take on this role also, develop support, and point out the benefits of clean, green public transport, because it is the thing to do in a World that is quickly using up its fossil fuels.

Wolverhampton currently seems to be ‘marking time ‘on Metro and when you stop campaigning and creating focus, others are quick to leap in. Currently the City of Birmingham is once again featuring for extended Metro development, and some in that City are advocating a full underground ‘Tube like’ service!

Here in Wednesfield North I will also be campaigning for even safer communities. I am concerned that the Police service to our community will deteriate when West Midlands resources are limited even further, I have distaste for the privatisation of our Police force.

I want our community to be well served by dedicated police staff and a police system that we have confidence in. I want to use this call today for Wednesfield North residents to support me, with the clear understanding that I am not impressed with the current arrangement for policing our community.
I believe the Chief Constable in reducing the opening hours of Wednesfield Police Station was wrong and rather than improve the service to the community has in fact reduced it. I am unimpressed that we have lost the custody suite at the Police Station. I am also very much concerned about the future of PCSO’s and how they are to be deployed and organised. These are major issues for any community and I am keen you are aware of my stance before the election takes place.

If all or any of these issues finds your support- Please support me by Voting Labour on Thursday 3rd May!

Promoted by Geof Foster 107 D'eyncourt Road Wolverhampton WV100SY
On behalf of Phil Bateman 3a Broad Lane North Wednesfield WV12 5UH

Author: Phil Bateman

Article Date: 29th April 2012