
May 1st 2024

Blowers to Batemans!

My grandmother Mary Ellen Bateman was born Mary Ellen Blower in Wolverhampton.
She was the daughter of Henry and Harriett Blower of Alma Street Heath Town. Henry was a chorister in his youth at St Peter’s Collegiate Church, the oldest building in the City. Harriett who was known as ‘Big Mom’ died in her home at 41 Alma Street in December 1953.

Henry and Harriett had a large family she had eight daughters, and four sons. When Harriett died the Rev FD Gardner officiated at the Holy Trinity Church in Heath Town.
The mourners present at the church for ‘big mom’s’ funeral were;-Mr H Blower, Mr BF Blower, and Mr WF Blower all her sons. Mrs A.A Lane, Mrs E A Spruce, Mrs V Perry, Miss M Blower, Mrs I Bleckley, Mrs I Nixon were all present at the ceremony
My Grandmother Mary Ellen Bateman was not present as she was living in Canada.

Author: Phil Bateman

Article Date: 26th June 2010