
May 19th 2024

Battle of the Pork Bap's!

The big debate still raging on Ashmore Park is about the Butcher Dave Price and his hot Pork Bap's!

The latest news is that the City Council are still determined to take him to Court for selling what is fast turning into the most famous pork baps in the Midlands!

Despite the fact that 2,000 residents and shoppers have signed a petition wanting him to continue selling this successful product, and with the Conservative City Council Leader's own support. Wolverhampton Homes that run's the shopping parade appears to be unconvinced and determined to take the matter through the courts.

What that means is that legal fees and valuable officers time will be once again engaged in trying to beat down this successful butcher.

Rumour has it that the legal cost is around £20,000 and rising, perhaps one of the local Councillors will request the information under a 'freedom of information' request.

Currently glimpsing the whole rigmarole from the side-lines, it looks like Wolverhampton Homes are intent at whatever cost, to prosecute Mr Price despite the fact that Butcher's up and down the Country can offer this type of product with no fear whatsoever, and despite the fact that the lease to his shop is less than clear what constitutes the products he can sell.

There is of course a deafening sound of silence from the three local Councillors that represent Wednesfield North which is a pity!

Author: Phil Bateman

Article Date: 10th March 2009