
May 19th 2024

Accident In Broad Lane North/Lichfield Road

The arguments that have been made by Wednesfield North Labour Party with regard to the speed of vehicles in Broad Lane North are well documented on this web site.
I have for a considerable period argued for a speed camera to be placed on the road to reduce the speed of vehicles using it. On Friday night as my family and I were leaving the Broadway Public House we witnessed the speed of one car and the accident that followed. I can truly state that it was very fortunate that when the speeding car crashed across the Lichfield Road and finished through the perimeter fence that protects Coppice High School, that the luck he had when he crossed that road and did not hit cross traffic was miraculous.

Four young people fell out of the car, two men and two women. The females were hurt and whilst our party did everything we could to ensure that they were alright, they fled the scene leaving the car embedded in the fence.

The speed that this driver travelled up Broad Lane North was to be seen! It was at least 70 mph when he slammed his brakes on and skidded across the Lichfield Road ramming into the kerb and then piling through the fence.

We were all grateful that the family had spent a few more minutes talking together, or else it could have been far worse and they may well have been taken out by this idiot driver.

I am therefore once again appealing for the City highway authority to place 'speed cameras' into Broad Lane North and reduce the speed of traffic before someone is killed.

The police took what was an age to arrive and some scant information concerning the runaway driver and his friends were given and the squad car then left to look for the group. At this moment in time the police have not come back to seek any other information. Coppice High School is now left to repair their fence and four young people should be thanking the Lord for what could have been a very much worse situation.

Author: Phil Bateman

Article Date: 27th October 2008