
May 19th 2024

Rest In Peace Ray

I spent the morning at the funeral of Ray Wilkes former President of the National Union of Lock and Metal Workers and a retired convenor at Chubbs.
It was an emotional affair as funerals almost always are. It was a magnficent turnout for a hard working trade unionist and a long time Member of Wednesfield North Labour Party.

More than that his family and friends and former colleagues from Chubbs had the crematorium bursting at the seams.

I was very proud to have known Ray and his partner Pauline. Sadly losing Ray was a blow. But his partner Pauline who was also a trade union official at Chubbs sadly also died within a week of Ray.

Mary and I will be back at the Crematoruim on Tuesday to pay our respect to Pauline Grady.

It is times like these that bring home not only the pain of their loss. But also the great memories of two trade unionists and solid Labour supporters that have done much for colleagues and work mates and of course their fellow man.

I am not very bouncy tonight as I feel so very sorry for those that have been left behind. Ray's family were very dignified but the pain of their loss was so very evident.

Author: Phil Bateman

Article Date: 18th June 2008