
May 1st 2024

Education Debate On Ashmore Park

There is as you would expect quite a lot of interest in the debate that is now starting to take place around education in Wednesfield. The report that is to go to Cabinet on Wednesday deals with birth figures, statistics covering surplus places and projections about how the schools will look over the next few years.
These stats suggest that by 2010 there will be 316 places that is almost 29% of surplus places that will not be filled and that those statistics need to be addressed. At Danesmore Park where there is some focus taking place we are told that as many as 95 places mat not be filed that represents a 41% figure being suggested that is below capacity!

Clearly it is situations like these that are being projected that just cannot be allowed to develop. Otherwise the impact upon falling rolls will spread to all the schools on the estate putting pressure on them and most of all impeding the quality of education for all of them.

Author: Phil Bateman

Article Date: 15th October 2006