
May 2nd 2024

Canadian High Commissioner

Councillor Phil Bateman MBE said today " I have had to apologise to the Canadian High Commissioner Mr Mel Cappe, following an invitation that was sent requesting the pleasure of my company at a Farewell Reception tonight at Canada House in Trafalgar Square London.
I was delighted to receive the invitation but I had already agreed to attend the Wolverhampton Coeliac Group, and both Mary and I have had a policy of accepting the first invitation received no matter how glamorous or exciting the second one is. It is a rule that I have held firm on since my appointment as Mayor.

But I was highly delighted to receive the invitation, it is an international recognition as far as I am concerned. I wrote and told the High Commissioner about not being able to attend and his response was magnificent.

Here is his response "I fully understand.I just want to thank you for being a proud Canadian and helping me do my job. I do hope your successor continues with the "tradition" of a Canada Day celebration.

I am copying Guy Saint-Jacques, the Acting High Commissioner, pending the arrival of my as yet unnamed successor. Between you and Guy, you can keep the flame alive in Wolverhampton.

All the best with your return to Councilloring."

Mayor Bateman added " So you see I am bursting with pride and of course we continue to build bridges with Canada and I hope that what will come out of this arrangement will be excellent trading opportunities for city business. Even the hope of attracting some Canadian investment to the area. The further good news is that the Mayor-elect was telling me that he hopes to keep the Canadian friendship continuing through another Canada Day celebration in July. But we will have to wait and see"
Photograph Mr Mel Cappe Canadian High Commissioner

Author: Phil Bateman

Article Date: 16th May 2006