
May 3rd 2024

Mayor's Official Visit

Here Councillor Phil Bateman receives from the Mayor of Rentis (Athens) a silver galleon to mark his visit with Mander Shopping Centre to this district of Athens.

The Galleon was presented in the Mayor of Rentis Office as gifts were exchanged to mark this very first official visit of a Mayor of Wolverhampton to this capital City.
Rentis was an area that was made up of farmlands and some forests dominated the northern part of the area. The forests are in the squares and used to align with Kifissou Avenue which is now cut down and became a superhighway.
In the 1930s and the 1920s, urban development and industrial buildings in the north and east which is part of the Athens Industrial Area replaced much of the farmlands. Today, much of the municipality are industrialized while the urban residential are to the west.

The area is mainly made up of urban areas to the west and the industrial area to the north and the east awas from the Cephissus. A park area with forests lie to the north.

Agios Ioannis Rentis has schools, lyceums, gymnasia, banks, a train station, a sports centre, cinemas, post offices and squares (plateies).

The Olympiakos FC used to train in this area.

More about the Municipality of Rentis

The Municipality of Rentis administratively resides to the prefecture of Piraeus. To the north it borders with Athens and Egaleo, to the East with Tavros, to the south with Piraeus and Moschato and to the west with Nikaia and Piraeus.

Rentis is a Municipality with great history. In 358 BC, Epikouros founded the famous philosophic school at the "Redion Field". From the 6th century BC to the 1st century AD it is named Municipality of Ippothoontidon. There lived the Ippothoontides, one of the most powerful and richer genders of Athens, who dealed mainly with the horse-breeding.

From the 1st to the 12th century AD it is named Municipality of Elaies. In the 16th century if appears with the name Rentis (water that flows from inside), which holds until today. Its borders started at Iera Odos, reaching Faliro, including all the part next to Kifissos river.

In 1925 Rentis becomes an autonomic community after a Presidential Decree. In 1946 Rentis is recognized as a Municipality. According to the census of 1991 it had a population of 14,000 citizens which by today has more than 20,000 residents.

Author: Phil Bateman

Article Date: 12th February 2006