
May 3rd 2024

Ashmore Park Rangers Success

Its great to trumpet a good news story but here in Wednesfield North we have a solid band of people who are always keen on helping youngsters. Whilst this web site often calls for help from the community to deal with vandalism.
Today we want to praise the success ofthe 50 or so youngsters that make the teams up of Ashmore Park Rangers. Because this top football side has won the prestigious Charter Standard Award given by Staffordshire County FA .

Councillor Dave Jones said " A lot of the success of the club is of course down to the youngsters. But I want to state that the parents and the club officials also do a great job in guiding them and ensuring that they have good role models. They work hard and the rewards have been tremendous for the community.

I know that with six teams regularly playing it is a lot of hardwork for the club officials, but Wednesfield North is better place for all this activity. Our message to them is to keep up the good work, and I hope that you pick up some players and a trophy or two at the end of the season."

Author: Dave Jones

Article Date: 26th January 2006