
May 1st 2024

Bad Behaviour

Interestingly there has been quite a lot of chatter on my web site of late, on the 'Discussion Page' about the reason why young people are committing vandalism.
Here is one of the comments that have been written. Whilst you may not agree
with the comments made. It is interesting to note what at least one person is thinking along these lines.

Why not click onto the 'Discussion Page' and leave your thoughts on this issue?

" Half of the reason the schools are broken into so often is because Moms are not coming out and talking about things enough,after all they have more chance of trying to find out where there offspring's are in the middle of the night when most of the trouble is going on.Some children aren't in bed when they say they are. A simple check sometimes can prove to work wonders.I think it is worth it don't you. Keep yourself safe and your children."

Another Letter writer states " Could we not do something with the naming and shaming of the little thugs who raid our schools,it does work.!!!!! In some cases it may not last long but then they do it again and get named again.(Three strikes and your in ,not out.)It does work.

Come up to date and listen to the playground talk.Its great."

Author: Phil Bateman

Article Date: 29th July 2005