
May 3rd 2024

Ashmore Park Shopping Parade

Councillor Phil Bateman said today " The Ashmore Park Shopping Parade is a very important development for the people of Wednesfield North. It is key to the shopping habits of many of my constituents and it is a cause of much concern due to the dilapidated state of the canopy.
I have however some news that may be seen to be helpful in regards to the current position of the canopy.

I am informed that having completed the initial investigation works the contract for the demolition of the shopping parade canopies is currently going out to tender which should take approx 4/5 weeks". Councillor Dave Jones said "Subject to negotiations with the winning contractor. The City Council will be able to produce a firm programme of works for the demolition, external repair, erection of new canopies and finally the renewal of pedestrian walkways to the parade.

When a programme has been produced consultation will take place with both the shop keepers and residents to ensure they are aware of the improvements which are to take place and the time scale involved."
Councillor Bateman further added "I shall notify you of the timescales etc.when we have finally established the projects programme, it is anticipated completion should be approximately late November early December 2005. I know that Councillor Dave Jones and I will be very pleased when this work has been completed as we have been pressing this re-newel for some time."

Author: Phil Bateman

Article Date: 21st June 2005