
May 2nd 2024

Ashmore Park Muggings

Readers of my site will have perhaps seen the comment on the Discussion Page that asked the question about lone female elderly women that have been robbed on Ashmore Park.
I had been asked "What is being done about the number of old ladies in the area who have been mugged for their handbags? I hear one old lady was mugged last week outside her house by some youths in a small car white."

Now I am a aware that a youth stole two pensioners hand bags separately early in the new year and left on a cycle...but I would like to know if there is an upsurge of this activity taking place?I have asked the police about the problem, their response is that they can confirm that these incidents have occurred,and they are being investigated by CID officers.

Councillor Phil Bateman said "it would appear that different offenders are involved and no patterns have emerged. The description to-date of the offenders is limited. Sector officers covering the area are aware of the incidents and have a patrol strategy which will target this type of crime along with the anti social behaviour highlighted previously.I am pleased to report that the police are denying that there is an upsurge in this type of offence. Ashmore Park has been a reasonably safe community for decades.This is good news that there is no 'upsurge' and I am keen to see that this type of crime does not occur, especially as these cowardly offenders do appear to target the elderly.

A major part of tackling this type of crime must be to make people aware of what they can do to protect themselves.Wednesfield Police have asked their partnerships officer to design a leaflet aimed at this type of crime as the Home Office don't appear to have produced anything on this theme.

I shall be approaching the Wolverhampton Community Safety Partnership to see if they could finance this leaflet get them printed and have them circulated on the estate. I understand that Wednesfield Police are able to print 100 but
require assistance with more. I am keen that we make people aware of what they can do with out frightening them."

Author: Phil Bateman

Article Date: 8th April 2005