
May 7th 2024

Joe's Army Record

Here is a parchment record Army Form B2077 which gives information as to Joe's Record whilst in the British Army. He enlisted under the name of Joseph Lawrence. He did not use his full name as he was underage.
Joe was transferred to the Army Reserve with the rank of Corporal from the 3rd Northumberland fusilliers army number 5474. His conduct and character while with the Colours have been accorded to the records as ' Good' He was transferred on the 6 April 1906 at Blomfontein in South Africa. His transfer to the Army Reserve was made by Lt Col Liddle
At this time as he was transferred out of the regular army to the Reserve his description is 26years of age and 8months. Complexion 'fresh' hair 'brown' . He was not a big man standing only 5foot 4and a half inces in height. With light blue eyes. He is described as a very good blacksmith. With a scar on his forehead.
This detailed account of Joe's transfer from the Regular Army ends his adventure as an under age youth. In 1907 he was getting married in All Saints Church Wolverhampton.

Author: Phil Bateman

Article Date: 27th February 2005