
May 6th 2024

Car Park Activity

Residents have again contacted me over the garage site in Tonadine Close that is looked over by residents in Griffith Drive.

Councillor Phil Bateman said " Residents have contacted me again over the car park at Tonadine Close. they complain about a three piece suite that has been dumped in the car park and other rubbish. I am pleased to inform residents that the City Council will look at the site with a view to removing the dumped items.Residents go onto inform me that they are concerned that there is shady things happening on the site as they have noticed the non stop too-ing and fro-ing of suspicious vehicles and youths.

I have contacted the police and would urge residents to keep a diary of these events in that way we can inform the police of what is happening with accurate diary dates and times. The police have assured me that they will keep a close eye on the site and the constables have already visited residents who are concerned.

I hope that with the City Council activity and an increased presence by the police and residents. We will have dissuaded those 'visitors' from using the car park for no good.!"

Author: phil bateman

Article Date: 9th February 2005