
April 29th 2024

Police News

Wednesfield Police

Wednesfield Police have been supplying information on a very regular basis to Councillors since the new Commander Andy Armstrong met with local Councillors.

Councillor Phil Bateman said today " I want to place on record the fact that I am now receiving regular up dates on crime issues within Wednesfield North. I have also received detailed information as to how the force is performing in my patch. All of which is very useful and allows me to get this sort of information out into the wider community via this web site.

I was very interested to receive some information from Wednesfield Police which suggested that there was to be a crack down using the new Police Reform Act which has recently been passed by the Labour Government. Allowing the police to deal with 'off road motorcycles' .

I am very pleased to be informed that they are setting up process for dealing with this type of offence.

Every summer I receive complaints about off road motorcycles and their owners who ride dangerously, putting other people at risk and their pets. I welcome this move by the police and note that they have asked the City Council to erect warning signs explaining the Police powers on entrances to common ground.

This type of information is very valuable and helps the community to build a picture of what is truly happening in their neighbourhood and locality."

Author: Phil Bateman

Article Date: 27th July 2004