
May 3rd 2024

Reducing Crime

"Labour is working hard to reduce Crime and Anti-Social Behaviour", Councillor Phil Bateman said today."The Party has made a very real effort to deal with one of the major concerns that people have." he commented
NB All figures are based on nationally derived data NOT regional

Crime and Anti-Social Behaviour

1) Crime is falling – down 25% since 1997 (British Crime Survey July 2003).
2) Police numbers are at record levels of 136,386.
3) Burglary is down 39%; car crime by 31% since 1997(British Crime Survey July 2003).
4) We met our pledge to halve the time from arrest to sentence for young offenders.
5) Passed the anti-social behaviour bill to make it easier to evict ‘neighbours from hell’, give police the power to disperse gangs and take children home who are out late at night, new fixed penalty notice powers for graffiti and fly-posting.

Under the Tories
• Police numbers fell every year from 1993.
• Recorded crime doubled.
• The average delay in getting persistent young offenders from arrest to sentence rose by 4 and a half months.

Author: Phil Bateman

Article Date: 26th December 2003