
May 1st 2024

Gossip by the Insider!

The Express and Star our local news paper does not have a gossip column so I am going to try and place a few snippets of the hottest gossip reaching my ears on this site.
It will be a challenge I will not want to have the lawyers chasing me but I can report on one or two things. I think I will call it the 'Insider' let me have your views and gossip and I will see what I can do with them . Strictly confidentially of course but do not feed me fibs! I also want to have total editorial control. If I do not print..hard stays that way!

To kick it off one of our Councillors this time from the blue side of the Chamber; told me that there was much upset at the City Councils Remembrance Sunday. He tells me that " the Mayors office cocked it up, there were no seats for some Councillors partners, and one or two Members were 'miffed' that they were kind of left in limbo before seats in another part of the Church was found for them". Good job Wednesfield Labour Councillors and our MP Ken Purchase attended the Wednesfield Parish Church of St Thomas for our excellent service, as we always do. A brief March down to the Church in a bracing wind and an even faster march back for a pint at the British Legion Club.

Author: Phil Bateman

Article Date: 12th November 2003