
May 3rd 2024

Labour tough on crime

Labour tough on crime

Labour round here are taking on the people who spoil it for the rest of us.
Labour is shutting up noisy neighbours: we encourage councils to use their powers to evict tenants who cause noise and disruption in their communities
we have given councils new powers to confiscate noisy stereo equipment.
Labour is cracking down on crime and anti social behaviour:

Under Labour there are now a record number of police officers
we have introduced Anti Social Behaviour Orders giving police and councils the power to restrict the movements of people who are a constant nuisance to the community new powers to close down pubs, clubs and other entertainment venues that create a noise nuisance.
Labour is cleaning up our local streets:we have made it a criminal offence to leave or deposit litter, maximum fineŁ2500. We have cut red tape so that abandoned cars can be removed in 24 hours.But there is a lot more to do:

We will extend fines for drunken louts, we are introducing new powers for police and local councils to tackle graffiti and fly tipping.
Councillor Phil Bateman further commented " These issues are of crucial importance for our community. Everyday I hear of people who are fearful of becoming the victim of crime. Our local police force is working hard to ensure that there is crack down on crime. But we also have to help the police by reporting incidents and keeping a watchful eye open for the suspicious and unwanted attentions of people around cars and property. I want to see Wednesfield North and Wolverhampton City a place that is as crime free as possible. I am proud that we have achieved so much as a political party as we have done. But we must achieve even more "

Author: Phil Bateman

Article Date: 26th July 2003