
May 3rd 2024

More People Leave Wolverhampton, Than Arrive!.

Over 7,000 people moved into Wolverhampton between 2000 and 2001. The vast majority[85%] of these people moved from other parts of the UK. In contrast nearly 9,000 of Wolverhamptons residents had moved out of the area in the year before 2001 Census. In other words, more people left Wolverhampton than moved in during the pre-census year.
Despite the reduction in population, Wolverhampton is still one of the most densely populated places in the country, with 34 people per hectare. As such it falls within the top 11% of all council areas in England and Wales. Within the West Midlands County only Birmingham had a higher density. Similarlyat a national level, Wolverhampton City also came within the highest 11% for the number of households 97,122.

Author: Census 2001

Article Date: 14th April 2003