At the Wednesfield North PACT meeting held at the Ashmore Park Community Association on Griffith Drive. The Police tonight lifted the lid on an audacious burglary. . More...
There are some disturbing stories of crime on the web and it is with this in mind I want to inform you of how a constituent of mine got scammed out of �210 of hard earned cash that she can ill afford to lose. More...
I recently wrote to the new Police & Crime Commissioner about internet & cyber fraud. More...
Crime profile for Wednesfield North. More...
There is a real concern developing across Wednesfield North that relates to crime and the perception that crime is growing fast in Wednesfield North. I have asked Wednesfield Police to provide me with the up to date information. More...
I attended the Linthouse Lane Neighbourhood Watch Meeting last night at the Ashmore Park Community Association. More...
I have written to West Midlands Police today following the Wednesfield Pact Meeting earlier this week. More...
I have just been looking at the local crime rates, and the Neighborhood Crime League Table from July 2011 to June 2012. As it relates to Wednesfield North. More...
Here is an important Message from West Midlands Police -Operation Pointer. More...
WV11 has this image of a man trying to break into a Wednesfield property. please try and identfy him. Let me know the name and I will pass it onto the Authorities. Or contact the police yourself. Remember it could be your property next! More...