All a teacher needs for the classroom Find out what events are planned this year Find out our history with the animated timeline We are able to influence the environment in many ways. Our ultimate aim is to preserve and where possible develop the environment to ensure a sustainable future. As a result we have developed a series of plans which demonstrate our commitment to the protection of the natural environment. These plans are briefly described below. The full version of each plan may be downloaded by clicking on the appropriate space. More...
SOUTH STAFFORDSHIRE WATER PLC; BEST EVER TAP WATER QUALITY The Drinking Water Inspectorate, the independent tap water watchdog, today announced figures showing that the quality of tap water for South Staffordshire Water has achieved an all time high for 2004. More...
The Drinking Water Inspectorate, the independent tap water watchdog, today announced figures showing that the quality of tap water for South Staffordshire Water has achieved an all time high for 2005. More...
Best Value for Money � Water Company receives Praise for ServiceSouth Staffordshire Water Company received an accolade from water regulater OFWAT today, ranking them overall third of 23 water companies in the UK. More...
Councillor Phil Bateman paid a personal tribute to Mr David Penna. He said today;"Mr David Penna was the Managing Director of South Staffs Water Company. Just before Christmas David died suddenly, and today he is being laid to rest. I am unsure if I will be able to make the funeral. But I did want to share my thoughts of David with you. More...
Don�t Break The Law- Get A Meter!Some water companies occasionally experience water shortages after long periods of dry weather. However, it is more likely that the system of pipes that carries water to customers will come under demand pressures when very large numbers of customers all want water at the same time including users of sprinklers. More...
As winter sets in and temperatures drop, South Staffordshire Water is urgingits customers to take just eight simple steps to avoid the distress of burstpipes. It is reminding customers that when frozen water pipes burst, it canbring hundreds of litres of water cascading through ceilings causing costlydamage to buildings, possessions and furniture. More...
Councillor Phil Bateman is Chairman of the South Staffordshire Customer Consultative Committee. This Committee is 'South Staffordshire Water Company's Consumer Champion and today they have made an important statement'. More...
Consultation of the Company�s Business Proposal for PR04 and Efficiency Mr Penna Managing Director South Staffs Water Company distributed an extract from Ofwat�s Unit Costs and Relative Efficiency 2001-02 Report. He explained Ofwats model for calculating efficiency. The Company had the second lowest charges in the Country because its strategy is to make its assets last rather than build new. As a result capital investment is low and the impact on customer bills is minimised. Continuing the use of old assets results in capital expenditure being low but creates higher operating costs. When looking at operating efficiency Ofwat take no account of Capital investment policy or practice. As a consequence the Company has been placed in �average efficiency� (Band C) for 2001/2. For the base year, 2002/03, the Company needs to strive for a minimum of Band B. The Company are lobbying Ofwat to bring to their attention the belief that their models are flawed and that accounting allocation creates further distortion. More...
It has sections for household, business, community, kids and e-billing. More...