Cat Flap Burglar -Fishes out handbag with Line Prop!
At the Wednesfield North PACT meeting held at the Ashmore Park Community Association on Griffith Drive. The Police tonight lifted the lid on an audacious burglary. .
The police reported on the ingenious burglar that lifted a housholders hand bag and its contents, by using the cat flap and a line prop used for lifting the washing on the line, to catch the wind!
The moral of the story is to make sure that all your belongings are safely hidden from view, even in your own house. Never leave tools around your garden, for a 'cat-burglar' to use. The police also told of an intruder in one house, who stole just a vase of flowers!
There were 66 crimes since the last time the WNPACT met. This is one crime down from the last reporting period. There were also reports of garden equipment being targeted in sheds. Police warned residents to be on the look out for anything suspicious. Phone and let the Police know if you see anything.
Author: Phil Bateman
Article Date: 8th April 2014