
Labour Campaigning In Springhill Estate and Woodend!

Labours Election Team On The Stump!

The Local Election is well underway with campaigning attracting a lot of attention.

Wednesfield North Labour Party and their Candidate for the City Council Elections, Councillor Dave Jones were out meeting the voters today in the sunshine on Springhill Estate / Woodend Road area both today and on Friday night!
Campaigning on Springhill Estate/Woodend Road.

Councillor Dave Jones said �Your Labour Councillors have been very active over the last four years in the Ward, constantly in the press and on the radio protecting and serving your interests.

As part of our advocacy role and because of public interest we have contacted the British Waterways Board about the invasive �foreign� water weed that has been regularly fouling the waterway. This weed restricts anglers as they spend their pastime fishing on the canal. At times the weed looks very unsightly, and usually in the autumn it covers the whole canal restricting light and obviously affecting our native wildlife species.

During last summer we had campaigned strongly about the use of motor bikes along the tow path of our local canal system the Essington and Great Wyrley canal. West Midlands Police have been successful with an operation to �catch and scrap� such riders bikes and around 40 bikes have been scrapped during the campaign they undertook last year.

Our Labour Councillors have written again to the police warning that with the spring nights approaching there is a need to ensure that the tactic so successful last year must again be in position again this year.

Our Councillors also made representations to West Midlands Police about the use of air guns along the canal tow path by youths targeting the wild life. This led to local police patrols and local coverage in the news and media. We again request your help in ensuring any sign of this type of action with firearms is reported immediately.

On law and order issues we are constantly in touch with the local police team making them aware of individual problems that are brought to our attention from this neighbourhood. It is a great place to live and we want to ensure that it continues in this way!

Linthouse Lane safety measures seem to have been very successful in cutting accidents, and we are pleased to have played a part in that success, as well as the arrangements that we helped put into place to provide for pedestrian refuges on Wood End Island where it connects with Linthouse Lane.

We also worked closely with some residents when the Methodist Homes were planning and constructing their new home on Moathouse Lane. Here we ensured that planning issues were given scrutiny, and the detail of the lay out and construction were well known to local residents. I know that I attended people�s homes that lived alongside the boundary of the property to talk through with them their concerns at the time.

Both Councillor Bateman and I also vigorously supported the call for a �Lollipop Lady� on Woodend Road; this was achieved with the campaigning zeal of parents and local residents, and strong support from your Labour Councillors.�

Contact Your Local Labour Councillors

Councillor Dave Jones can be contacted on 01902 826938 or by email on
[email protected]

Councillor Phil Bateman can be contacted on 01922 403960 or by email on
[email protected]

Information on Wednesfield North and Wolverhampton can also be viewed by logging on to the World Wide Web on and see and read about your local area news as it happens!

Printed and Published by Wednesfield North Labour Party; Agent Phil Bateman 3a Broad Lane North Wednesfield �[email protected]

Author: Phil Bateman

Article Date: 8th April 2007