Update On Litter and Rats!
Councillor Phil Bateman said " I am much pleased with the response by Steve Poyser Head of Engineering Services South Staffordshire Council. Not only as he been in touch with me about the complaints by residents concerned about rubbish on the 'knickett' the walkway between Ashmore Park and Essington. He has been out with his staff and removed the offending articles."
Steve Poyser writes "Your e mail dated 27th March has been copied to me with regard to the matter of litter and rubbish along the public right of way that leads to the Parish Council's land, as I manage the Council's street cleansing operation.
I can confirm that the walkway was cleaned up earlier today by a member of our operational team.
With regard to the complaint about vermin infestation of outbuildings etc, I understand that the Council's Environmental Health Officers are investigating this."
Councillor Bateman added I am sure residents living in Wednesfield will greatly appreciate this action."
Author: Phil Bateman
Article Date: 3rd April 2007