Here on Griffith Drive you can see the cars parked on the �off road parking� that we have introduced since I made that promise, those four years ago. A promise kept.
Here in March we will see the final phase of the refurbishment of the Ashmore Park Shopping Parade get underway when the �walking surface� is replaced. Your Labour Councillor�s have been very much behind this development prompting and campaigning in the City Council for the resources to upgrade this �key� shopping centre in Wednesfield North. Their hard work over the years have produced two car parks, refurbished store canopies, and now a safer walking surface to reduce the trips, slips, and falls for shoppers when visiting the centre. There is not a vacant property in the parade which shows how successful this shopping centre really is! A promise kept.
In that election in 2004 I along with other Labour Councillor�s promised to do all that I could to bring a �Water World� Leisure complex to Wednesfield. This labour administration has done just that! My colleague Councillor Phil Bateman cut the �first sod� and performed the �topping out� ceremony on the pool in 2006. This �12million project for Wednesfield and Wolverhampton was a major project. In March 2007 in the first 3 months of operation, more than 100,000 people have been using this new facility! A promise kept.
Many of you will have families and the development of the Ashmore Park is quite key to sport and leisure facilities for your children. We have recently opened a new skate board facility which has been enthusiastically greeted by the �skate-boarders�. We also welcomed Wednesfield Aces Cycle Speedway Club hosting of the European Championships held on Ashmore Park. A great occasion which attracted huge local support.
Many of your children will be educated at Coppice High School I have recently appealed to the City Council to consider commissioning a feasibility study that would provide a proper 200-300 seat Auditorium on the school site, one that would allow bigger and better shows to be developed, adding more value to the education and enhancing the community's dividend when it comes to the provision of arts and culture.
Some of your children will currently attend Danesmore Park Primary School. There are so many school places that are unfilled due to fewer children being born and brought up on the estate that the decision to close Danesmore Park was taken. As of January there were 37% �surplus places� at the school. This has been a painful decision that has created much controversy in the local area. The decision that the City Council are currently consulting on is a merger of Danesmore Park and Oak Meadow School.
Contact Your Local Labour Councillors
Councillor Dave Jones can be contacted on 01902 826938 or by email on
[email protected] Councillor Phil Bateman can be contacted on 01922 403960 or by email on
[email protected] Information on Wednesfield North and Wolverhampton can also be viewed by logging on to the World Wide Web on and see and read about your local area news as it happens!
Printed and Published by Wednesfield North Labour Party; Agent Councillor Phil Bateman 3a Broad Lane North Wednesfield WV12 5UH