He added "This has meant liaising with the Police and the Local Authority, they have responded by placing �electronic speed signs� temporarily to slow motorists down. But this is a constant problem and one that I expect the �Road Safety �team to explore.
We have also arranged for several trees to be thinned allowing more light from the street lights to hit the road. Giving better sight lines for motorists in the darkness.
One of the big issues that we were successful in along side residents, was the fight to ensure that a telecommunications tower that was being planned for the junction of Kitchen Lane and Linthouse Lane was defeated.
This was a very successful campaign and it brought together residents and Councillor�s. We are proud of the part we played in this particular victory.
There has also been a real fight to keep rubbish and litter down including the constant battle at the nature conservancy site at the site of the �Red Bank�. This wooded area has attracted a lot of undesirable activity. I along with my colleague Councillor Phil Bateman have activated the Local Authority to clean up the bottles and cans over the years. Evidence of late night drinking binges, and generally urged the Council to keep on top of the problem.
As you can see from the activity that I have outlined here, we are real local activists here in Wednesfield North Labour Party. Both your local Labour Councillors live locally. We are very much part of the community, and we are constantly looking to improve the Ward we live in.�
Danesmore Park Primary School.
There are so many school places that are unfilled due to fewer children being born and brought up on the estate that the decision on Danesmore Park was taken. There is currently somewhere around quarter of Danesmore Park School that is unfilled due to �surplus places�. This has been a painful decision that has created much controversy in the local area. The decision that the City Council are currently consulting on is a merger of Danesmore Park and Oak Meadow School.
Both your Labour Councillors continue to hold monthly surgeries at Ashmore Park Library.
Contact Your Local Labour Councillors
Councillor Dave Jones can be contacted on 01902 826938 or by email on
[email protected] Councillor Phil Bateman can be contacted on 01922 403960 or by email on
[email protected] Information on Wednesfield North and Wolverhampton can also be viewed by logging on to the World Wide Web on www.philbateman.com and see and read about your local area news as it happens!
Printed and Published by Wednesfield North Labour Party; Agent Councillor Phil Bateman 3a Broad Lane North Wednesfield WV12 5UH