Local Labour Councillors contacted the police last year after reports from residents in this area requested help in dealing with noise and nuisance in and around Devils Elbow Bridge.
After the Labour Councillors contacted the police the youngsters were dissuaded from causing aggravation by a complementary mix of police patrols and the penetrating effect of the portable �Dome Hawk� camera.
Both Councillor Jones and Councillor Bateman worked with local residents, making a number of representations to West Midlands Police. As a result of this action some �off road bikes� were confiscated as police responding to the Councillor�s request�s beefed up their own patrols by using West Midlands Police own �off road� motorcycles.
Councillor Jones said �We have recently written to the police at Wednesfield requesting similar patrols as the light nights once again approach. Wednesfield Labour Councillors feel that regular patrols early into this part of the year will bring big benefits to residents through out the spring and summer.�
Road Safety chiefs have been able to inform your Councillors that the Linthouse Lane Road Safety Scheme is already being hailed a success. The safety scheme completed last year by the Labour Controlled City Council is currently providing a 55% reduction in casualties along Linthouse Lane.
That is a huge decrease in accidents and it means that there is less damage to the Public Realm and less human injury. This has go to be seen as good news overall!
Contact Your Local Labour Councillors
Councillor Dave Jones can be contacted on 01902 826938 or by email on
[email protected] Councillor Phil Bateman can be contacted on 01922 403960 or by email on
[email protected] Information on Wednesfield North and Wolverhampton can also be viewed by logging on to the World Wide Web on www.philbateman.com and see and read about your local area news as it happens!
Printed and Published by Wednesfield North Labour Party; Agent Phil Bateman 3a Broad Lane North Wednesfield �
[email protected]